Another Successful Long Island Metro Fire & EMS Expo
By 2nd Vice President Tom Rinelli
June 4, 2024

The Islip Town Fire & EMS Museum and Education Center hosted yet another highly successful Long Island Metro Fire & EMS Expo the weekend of February 2nd-4th, 2024.

In conjunction with our partners at the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, this very well attended firematic event showcased over 100 vendors displaying the latest in fire, rescue and EMS equipment and apparatus to emergency service personnel from across the Northeastern states.

In keeping with our mission to educate fellow first responders, a variety of training seminars were offered covering various topics including engine company and tower ladder operations, battery storage energy storage systems as well as recruitment and retention. Hands-on training (HOT) was provided in Advanced Forcible Entry by instructors from the Suffolk County Fire Academy while new this year HOT classes were presented for junior firefighters in both Stop-The-Bleed® and Narcan administration.

The museum wishes to extend our sincere thanks to our partners
at the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, all our vendors for their support and most importantly our attendees who make our show the truly successful event that it continues to be for the past 25+ years. We look forward to seeing you all again next year!